GC variation in genomes - supplementary pictures

This site was created as a supplement to the article cited below.

We present several pre-computed examples of GC-profiles of several genomes. Pictures are generated using our program "draw_chromosome_gc". This program is written in PERL language, graphical output is handled using GD library. draw_chromosome_gc is GPL2 licensed and you can download it free and generate your own drawings of GC-profiles. But be aware - this program is memory and CPU intensive!

Pictures mentioned above were prepared with different "sliding window" and "gc scale step". The widths of windows are 10k-300kb, gc scale used are 2.5% and 5%. All parameters used for the picture computing are also presented. Appropriate values are discussed in the article but you can compare results obtained with different "sliding window" and "gc scale step".

Article cited:

Representing GC variation along eukaryotic chromosomes
Paces J., Zika R., Paces V., Pavlicek A., Clay O., Bernardi G.
Gene, 333, (May 26, 2004), 135-141